More than just a builder.


Brendan is the heart and mind behind Blake Custom Build. Since 1993, Brendan saw a need to provide the Northern Rivers with a range of custom residential and commercial building services.


Residential Renovations

No matter how small or large your project is, we can cater to your needs in every way. We specialise in customised residential renovations and extensions that exceed your expectations. Click HERE to see some of our past projects.

Commercial Shopfits

Retail shops and small commercial unit fit outs have been our pride and joy recently. We pride ourselves on delivering on time and on budget. If possible, we can also complete your project outside your business hours. Click HERE to see some of our past projects.


New Builds

You’ve got yourself the perfect block of land and your architect has put your vision to paper. Let us bring that plan to life. We provide project management and construction services for new residential projects. Click HERE to see some of our past projects.

Full Design & Construct

Like New Builds, we can take it a step further and offer design consultancy. In combination with our custom construction service, we can take the worry and stress out of your D&C project to make the process seamless. Click HERE to see some of our past projects.